White Rose Bouquet
Upgrade to elegance with a batch of white roses. This bouquet of white roses is a pensive gesture made for special occasions where that little extra something is needed to illuminate the...
Upgrade to elegance with a batch of white roses. This bouquet of white roses is a pensive gesture made for special occasions where that little extra something is needed to illuminate the day. Whether she's sick or just had a rough day at the office, this little batch of luxury is sure to brighten her mood.
This batch includes White Roses and Wax with Dusty Miller greeneries. 15" clipped, 17" w/ vase.
How to Care for Your Bouquet:
Clean Your Vase to Avoid Bacteria.
Fill 2/3 Vase With Water.
Make Sure Leaves Don’t Touch the Water. Remove if Necessary.
Change Water Every 2-3 Days.
Keep Away from Direct Sunlight and Avoid Spraying Flowers with Water.
Keep at Room Temperature in an Environment with Air Circulation.