Attract good fortune with a money tree. The Pachira plant a.k.a., "money tree" is said to attract wealth and good fortune. This little trunk of foliage, according to Chinese feng shui tradition, is...
Attract good fortune with a money tree. The Pachira plant a.k.a., "money tree" is said to attract wealth and good fortune. This little trunk of foliage, according to Chinese feng shui tradition, is said to resembles hands outstretched to capture happiness and good fortune with treasure stored in its woven stems. Wish your friends good fortune on their new house with this perfect housewarming gift.
Details and Instructions:
The plant is potted in a concrete planter. 12" h. Water the plant regularly to keep the soil moist and avoid dryness. Do not overwater (only water when soil drys out). Keep the plant in bright indirect sunlight.
How to Care for Your Plant:
Water Your Plant Regularly and Keep Soil Moist. Do Not Overwater.
Keep Your Plant in Bright indirect Sunlight.
Remove Top 1/2 Inch of Soil and Add New Potting Soil for Best Results.